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Creative Expression in Early Years – Encouraging Artistic Development

A young boy with blond hair smiling at a woman with curly hair as they look at a paper together in a classroom setting filled with art supplies.

FENNIES BLOG Inspiration Priyanka, Art Specialist, explores creative expression in early years. On my recent drive to work, I listened to a radio feature about one of France’s most famous prehistoric decorated caves, the Cave of a Hundred Mammoths. Studies say stone-age toddlers may have attended a prehistoric nursery and had art lessons! Early Mark […]

Introducing STEM to Toddlers – Top Tips

Two young children wear white lab coats and safety goggles while conducting a science experiment. They are focused on their task, holding various tools and containers filled with colorful liquids. The background features shelves with scientific equipment and bright classroom decor.

Introducing STEM concepts to toddlers can provide immense benefits for their overall development and learning. The early years are a critical period for brain development.