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Growing Spaces

For a child, the world is a place to be explored, so all our nursery rooms are designed specifically for each development stage where they can discover new abilities and talents. Create memories, surpass milestones, and invent individual habits for a healthy and successful lifestyle.

Growing Spaces

For a child, the world is a place to be explored, so all our nursery rooms are designed specifically for each development stage where they can discover new abilities and talents. Create memories, surpass milestones, and invent individual habits for a healthy and successful lifestyle.

A smiling baby wearing a white outfit lying on a blue blanket with the word "explorers" in white text at the top left.

3 months – 2 years

As a child begins to crawl and stand they explore the world using their senses, our Explorers, ages 3 months – 2 years, is when they begin to establish communication and language. To accommodate these changes our Explorer rooms incorporate innovative resources for sensory development that encourage the exploration of movement and communication.

  • Focus on experiences that encourage movement and play games that inspire communication
  • Specifically trained staff work closely with you to keep your child’s routine and sleep patterns
  • Dedicated milk kitchen area and nappy changing areas
  • Soft furnishings for tummy time
Toddler in a blue dress pointing upwards with an excited expression, against a plain, light background with the word "discoverers" in the top left corner.

2-3 years

This is the age where your child’s personality starts to take shape. Discovering their own likes, dislikes, and abilities, children begin to proudly display their need to communicate. They have increased movement, curiosity, and a strong desire to independently discover the world around them. This is a pivotal stage and our practitioners focus on supporting children’s independence in all areas of learning and development.

  • Practitioners provide comfort and support as children begin to learn how to regulate their feelings and behaviour
  • Flexible routines encourage communication and independence allowing children to discover their interests
  • Indoor and outdoor play with a variety of open-ended, natural materials that inspire discovery
A joyful toddler with curly hair smiles brightly, wearing a white dress with orange polka dots. the word "creators" is printed in yellow at the image's edge.

3 - 4 years

At this stage, children have laid the foundations for utilising their natural abilities. They begin to use their language and communication skills to socialise and create relationships. They also begin to create their self-care routines. Our skillful teachers will support your child as they move through this exciting phase of development. We plan experiences that engage your child in literacy, maths, understanding the world, and expressive arts.

  • Specially created spaces where our children can enjoy quiet time read a book or talk to their friends
  • Equipment in the room allows children to develop their understanding of self-care by washing and drying their hands and dressing themselves independently
  • Toys and resources are available within children’s reach to promote decision-making skills and independent learning
A young girl focuses intently on crafting with scissors and paper, with the word "inventors" displayed at the bottom of the image. she holds a green cutout while standing in a well-lit room.

4 years +

Our teachers work closely with local schools to ensure a seamless transition and many of our activities at this stage revolve around ‘transition preparation’. At this age, practitioners allow children the space to invent ways of independently taking on tasks and preparing for their day. Carefully planned days focus on different areas of interest for your child to investigate and provide opportunities to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, and maths.

  • Bespoke experiences support children’s communication, social, and physical abilities to equip them for the next phase of life and learning
  • Inventors rooms offer real-life resources that encourage children to solve problems and develop complex role-play skills
  • Transition to primary school – support for children and parents

Every element of the Fennies Ethos is interlinked to your child’s well-being and development.

Fennies provides a fully rounded health program teaching children how to implement future healthy lifestyle habits.

Our curriculum has been designed to fully engage children across the seven areas of learning and development.