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Tips for Establishing a Healthy Sleep Routine for Toddlers

Assistant Manager, Natalie, provides a few tips to establish a healthy sleep routine to help you and your toddler get a well-rested night’s sleep.

A young child sleeps peacefully on a white bed while hugging a brown teddy bear. The child is covered with a white blanket and wears a light-colored outfit. The scene is serene and comforting, reflecting a peaceful nap time.

In the first few months, your baby slept intermittently between feeds, but now that your child is a toddler, you’ve probably noticed some major changes in sleep patterns. Bedtimes may also be more of a struggle these days if your toddler refuses to sleep when it’s time for lights out. 

Here are a few tips to establish a healthy sleep routine to help you and your toddler get a well-rested night’s sleep.

1. Establish a Regular Sleep Pattern

Regular hours of sleep are crucial. They help your child understand when it is bedtime and time for sleep. Also, your child will have a better night’s sleep. Bedtime shouldn’t vary by more than an hour, whether your child has an early start the next morning or not. The same goes for morning wake-up times.

2. Maintain a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Having the same routine before bed each night is beneficial. This helps your child prepare for sleep. Quiet activities such as reading a book, being read to, or having a bath or shower work well. Avoid more active games, playing outside, watching TV, or using the internet in the half-hour before bed.

3. Ensure the Bedroom is Comfortable

The bedroom should be quiet, comfortable, and dark. Some children like a night light, and that’s fine. Make sure your child sees the bedroom as a good place to be by not using it as a place for punishment. A comfortable bedroom temperature should be between 16-18 degrees Celsius. Extreme temperatures can cause restlessness

A baby with light skin is sleeping peacefully on its back, wearing a white outfit. The baby's right arm is raised near its head, and its facial expression is calm, with eyes closed and lips slightly parted. The background is soft and white.

4. Bed is for Sleeping, Not Entertainment

Keep TV, computers, mobile phones, and other distractions out of the bedroom. Watching a screen to fall asleep can become a bad habit. It’s also better if you can monitor what your child is watching. According to a new study conducted at Birkbeck University and King’s College, University of London, excessive screen time can impact overall sleep duration negatively.

5. Watch Food Intake Before Bed

A high intake of sugary or fatty foods has been linked with more restless sleep. Avoid sugary or high-fat snacks before bedtime, as well as large meals. A small, healthy, savoury snack before bed is acceptable.

6. Be Mindful of Daytime Naps

While it’s normal for young children to nap during the day, as your child gets older, they will need less sleep. The number and length of naps depend on your child. If your child naps after 4 pm (except for the very young), it can be harder for them to fall asleep at night.

A woman with long, dark hair leans over a white crib, smiling at a baby lying inside. The baby is dressed in white, and the crib has soft, gray polka-dot padding. The scene is warmly lit, creating a cozy and loving atmosphere.

7. Incorporate Exercise and Time Outside

Daily exercise is crucial for healthy living and promotes good sleep. Time spent in bright daylight achieves the same. Outdoor exercise combines both these elements. However, it’s best to avoid vigorous activity in the hour before sleep.

By implementing a solid sleep routine, you’ll not only benefit your child but also feel more refreshed and ready to take on the day.

In embracing a good sleep routine for your toddler, you are not only taking care of their well-being but also cultivating a sense of stability within your household. A good night’s sleep involves consistent patterns, a peaceful bedtime routine, and a conducive sleep environment. By prioritising these elements and steering clear of disruptive habits, you’re not just ensuring your child’s restfulness but also taking care of your own rejuvenation. 


Assistant Manager

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