Understanding Nursery Curriculum and Learning Goals

By Rageena
Director of Early Years

Early childhood education lays the groundwork for a child's future learning journey, shaping their development and academic success. Fennies believes in providing a holistic approach to learning, which integrates various areas of development crucial for children aged from birth to five years old.

This guide aims to provide parents with valuable insights into how Fennies supports learning across key areas!

What are the Key Areas of Development?

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: This area focuses on nurturing children's emotional well-being, building positive relationships with others, and developing confidence and self-awareness. It includes managing feelings, understanding appropriate behaviour, and forming healthy relationships with peers and adults.

Communication and Language: Communication and language development involves fostering children's ability to express themselves effectively and understand others. This area encompasses listening and attention skills, speaking with confidence, and understanding language through both verbal and non-verbal means.

Physical Development: Physical development involves promoting children's physical skills, coordination, and movement. It includes both fine motor skills, such as using tools and utensils, and gross motor skills, like running, jumping, and climbing. Encouraging healthy habits and self-care routines also fall within this area.

Literacy: Literacy development focuses on fostering children's early reading and writing skills. It encompasses activities such as recognising letters and sounds, understanding stories, developing vocabulary, and eventually, beginning to write letters and simple words.

Mathematics: Mathematics development involves introducing children to foundational mathematical concepts and skills. This includes counting, recognising and comparing numbers, understanding shapes, patterns, and measurements, as well as beginning to solve simple mathematical problems.

Understanding the World: Understanding the world encourages children to explore and make sense of their environment, including people, communities, and the natural world. It involves learning about different cultures, traditions, and beliefs, as well as developing an understanding of basic scientific concepts and technology.

Expressive Arts and Design: Expressive arts and design focus on fostering children's creativity, imagination, and self-expression through various mediums. This includes activities such as art, music, dance, drama, and imaginative play, allowing children to explore their emotions, ideas, and interests in a creative way.

How do we support the areas of learning through everyday nursery life?

We acknowledge the interconnectedness of the seven areas of learning. Every activity offered has the potential to contribute to development in any area, depending on how it's facilitated. This underscores the flexibility and adaptability of our approach, allowing us to create meaningful learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs and interests of each child.

Our curriculum brings these 7 areas to life by introducing experiences in STEAM, PE, and Languages, aiming to engage, challenge, and foster growth in every child through play and exploration.

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths:

Engaging in STEAM experiences contributes to holistic learning and brain development. Through hands-on exploration, children develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity. They learn to experiment, make connections, and adapt strategies, developing cognitive flexibility. By nurturing curiosity and a love for learning, STEAM activities empower young minds to approach challenges with confidence and innovation, preparing them for a dynamic future. Our Art Specialist and Education Advisor spend time with children and work alongside staff to introduce and role model inviting activities, introducing new concepts and featured artists to enhance the learning experience.  

How does STEAM link to the areas of learning:

  • Physical Development: Activities such as building structures with blocks or participating in hands-on science experiments enhance fine motor skills and coordination.
  • Communication and Language: Collaborative STEAM projects foster communication skills as children discuss ideas, ask questions, and explain concepts to peers.
  • Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: Working in teams on STEAM challenges promotes cooperation, problem-solving, and resilience.
  • Literacy: Exploring STEM-themed books or writing narratives about scientific discoveries encourages literacy development.
  • Mathematics: Counting objects during experiments or creating patterns in art projects reinforces mathematical concepts.
  • Understanding the World: Investigating natural phenomena or learning about different cultures through art exposes children to diverse perspectives.
  • Expressive Arts and Design: Engaging in creative expression through various mediums stimulates imagination and encourages innovation.

Physical Education: Supporting Holistic Development:

Regular physical activity at a young age promotes overall health and well-being, reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues. By instilling a love for movement and exercise early on, children establish healthy habits that can benefit them throughout their lives, promoting lifelong fitness. Our PE specialist cleverly weaves physical activity into each child’s day, by using their interests, favourite stories and games.  

How does PE link to the areas of learning:

  • Physical Development: Activities like running, jumping, and climbing develop gross motor skills and coordination.
  • Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: Participation in team sports fosters teamwork, leadership skills, and resilience.
  • Understanding the World: Exploring nature during outdoor activities helps children understand and appreciate the environment.
  • Communication and Language: Verbal communication during physical activities enhances language skills.
  • Expressive Arts and Design: Creative movement activities allow children to express themselves artistically.

Language Learning: Enriching Development:

Early language exposure lays a foundation for cultural appreciation and multilingualism, enriching communication and encouraging global understanding from a young age. Our language specialist and Inclusion Manager support nurseries to ensure children’s and staff backgrounds are celebrated and incorporated into everyday experiences.  

Exposure to different languages greatly supports learning and development:

  • Communication and Language: Having exposure to multiple languages, new and personal to children, enhances communication skills and cultural awareness.
  • Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: Exposure to diverse languages promotes empathy and understanding.
  • Understanding the World: Learning different languages exposes children to diverse cultures and perspectives, supporting the development of respect.  
  • Literacy: Exposure to languages enhances phonemic awareness, crucial for phonics instruction and reading readiness
  • Expressive Arts and Design: Language learning involves creativity and expression.

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