To support your child in finding the right balance between sharing more information and respecting conversational boundaries, we'd like to offer you some practical suggestions for engaging conversations
The moment when you pick up your little one from preschool at the end of the day is truly special for parents. It's a time filled with curiosity about your child's day, and it provides a golden opportunity for meaningful conversations. However, it's not uncommon for parents to feel a bit disheartened when their child seems disinterested in talking about their day. This is where patience and persistence come into play, as these moments can help develop connections and give you insights into your child's world.
We understand the significance of nurturing effective communication skills in children from a young age. Our staff are equipped with the tools necessary to achieve this goal, focusing on three key aspects: building a rich vocabulary, instilling confidence to express themselves, and teaching the fundamentals of conversation. As parents, you also play a vital role in reinforcing these skills at home.
It's important to realise that some children may find it challenging to provide detailed responses to closed questions or navigate the wide expectations of open-ended questions. To support your child in finding the right balance between sharing more information and respecting conversational boundaries, we'd like to offer you some practical suggestions for engaging conversations:

Ask Specific Questions
Instead of asking generic questions like "How was your day?" or "What did you do?", try being more specific. For instance, you could ask, "What was the most exciting thing that happened today?" or "Tell me about a story your teacher read today." By providing a specific focus, you invite your child to dive deeper into their experiences and share more details.
Share Highlights
Share your own highlights of your day during family discussions. By modelling enthusiastic and descriptive language, you will inspire your child to do the same. They will feel more encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings when they see you actively participating in conversations.

Incorporate Play-Based Conversations
Play is a natural avenue for communication. Engage in imaginative play with your child, taking on different roles and scenarios. This not only encourages creativity but also provides opportunities for them to practice language skills in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. Ask questions during playtime to stimulate their imagination and encourage use of new words.
Create Storytelling Moments
Bedtime stories offer a fantastic opportunity for conversation. Instead of solely reading to your child, take turns narrating parts of the story together. Encourage them to use their imagination and add their own twists to the plot. This collaborative storytelling fosters their language development and strengthens their storytelling abilities.

Active listening
It's important for children to feel listened to. When they speak, give them your complete attention. If they sense disinterest, it may discourage them from communicating further. Instead, practice active listening, avoid interrupting them, ask further questions about their thoughts, and provide your own comments to demonstrate your genuine interest.
Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between giving your child room to express themselves and providing guidance within the conversation. By incorporating these strategies into your daily interactions, you can nurture your child’s communication skills and help them become confident and articulate individuals.
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